DT U.S. No. 8, 2014 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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DT U.S. No. 8, 2014

Última edición

DT U.S. No. 8, 2014

American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons - Sept. 8–13 - Honolulu / Lots of hands-on C.E. options at CDA event in San Francisco / From the editor in chief / Past keynote speakers create ‘hall-of-fame’ panel at AADOM 10th annual meeting / Meetings / Hard to ac h ieve or tho dont ic st abi l it y? A nswer may be blow ing in the w ind / Restor ing the edent u lous arch w it h Br u x Z ir f u l l-a rc h impla nt prosthesis / DENTSPLY donates $55 - 000 in product to America’s ToothFairy / LVI Core I three-day course teaches comprehensive patient care process / Industry News / Wykle Research offers Calasept Endo line /
