Expodent Córdoba 2011- 21nd Exhibition of Argentine Dental Industry and Commerce - Events - Dental Tribune Spain

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Expodent Córdoba 2011- 21nd Exhibition of Argentine Dental Industry and Commerce



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Evento 17 - 20 agosto 2011

Expodent festeja su 22º Aniversario. Comprometidos desde 1989 con el avance de la Odontología, la Cámara Dental Córdoba -que nuclea a las empresas comprometidas con el aprovisionamiento de insumos, instrumental y aparatología odontológica y dental, participa organizando esta Feria de la evolución y constante superación del Comercio y la Industria Dental.

Expodent is going to celebrate its 22nd anniversary. Having been committed to the advancement of dentistry since 1989, the Dental Chamber Córdoba which gathers companies committed to the procurement of supplies, instruments and dental and dental appliances, will be organizing the fair as part of the evolution and constant improvement of the Dental Trade & Industry .

C.D.C. - Camara del Comercio e Industria Dental de Córdoba
Jerónimo Luis de Cabrera 987
X5000GVS - Cdad. de Córdoba, Argentina
Tel: +54 351 4744512
Fax: +54 351 4744513
E-mail: info@camaradentalcordoba.com.ar
// info@expodentcordoba.com.ar
Referent: Ms. Lorena Campos
E-mail: lorenacampos@camaradentalcordoba.com.ar
Website: www.expodentcordoba.com.ar

Exhibition Venue: Complejo Ferial Córdoba

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