digital international No. 2, 2021 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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digital international No. 2, 2021

Última edición

digital international No. 2, 2021

Cover / Editorial / Content / The COVID-19 practice manager 2021: Four steps to con dence—Part 2 / “You cannot push people into digital dentistry” / Trends & Applications / Digital workow for colour verication of indirect anterior restorations / Magical All-on-4 / Achieving anatomical shape, support and colour with an Atlantis patient-specic abutment in gold-shaded titanium: A case report / Individual PEEK healing abutments and impression copings - Nature-conforming emergence proles in implant therapy / KATANA Zirconia—the science behind superior product properties / “I would love to inspire more women to get involved in digital dentistry” - An interview with Dr Alison Simpson, a general dentist from Rothwell in the UK, honoured with the first Smart Integration Award / News / “The future is certainly looking bright” - An interview with Heikki Kyöstilä, chairman and CEO of Planmeca / Industry news / Manufacturer news / Meetings / Submission guidelines / Imprint /
