roots international No. 2, 2014 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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roots international No. 2, 2014

Última edición

roots international No. 2, 2014

Cover / Editorial / Content / Passive micro-volume management of sodium hypochlorite in endodontic treatment / Instrument fracture removal revisited / BT-Race: Biological and conservative root canal instrumentation with the final restoration in mind / Managing coronal destruction A clinical case demonstrating the pre-endodontic reconstruction of a tooth / Root canal therapy setting your teeth on edge? / Diclofenac - dexamethasone or laser phototherapy? Part I / SIROLaser Factbook: Comprehensive information on diode lasers / Planmeca and the University of Turku found Nordic Institute of Dental Education / “Striving for perfection”— AAE holds 2014 Annual Session in Washington / International Events / Submission guidelines / Imprint /
