DT News - Latin America - Symposium on Tissue Injury and Pulp Regeneration

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Symposium on Tissue Injury and Pulp Regeneration

IADR CONGRESS IN SAN DIEGO — Doctors Gonzalo Arana, Rich Tuttle, Salim Nathoo, Enrique Jadad, José D. Ruán, Andrés Muñoz and Alessandro Lougercio at the Congress of the International Association for Dental Research. The Colombian research group presented a groundbreaking study on the whitening of teeth with orthodontic brackets, which was praised be American experts such as Bruce Matis, Tuttle and Nathoo.
Dental Tribune International

Dental Tribune International

mié. 15 junio 2011


ALEXANDRIA, VA, USA – The International and American Associations for Dental Research (IADR/AADR) published the proceedings from the symposium “Tissue Injury and Pulp Regeneration,” held in Geneva, Switzerland, July 2010. The symposium was organized by the IADR Pulp Biology and Regeneration Group, and the papers were published in volume 23, issue 3 of Advances in Dental Research, an E-supplement to the Journal of Dental Research.

A perspective article titled “Tissue Injury and Pulp Regeneration,” was written by Gottfried Schmalz and Kerstin M. Galler, researchers at the University of Regenburg, Germany, and it’s available in the July issue of the Journal of Dental Research. The perspective piece gives a brief overview of some of the manuscripts presented at the symposium.

The symposia presenters highlighted that despite the high success rate of traditional root canal therapy of up to 95% under optimal clinical conditions, the idea of pulp (and dentin) regeneration is tempting, not only from the philosophical point of view that a full healing/total recovery is the ultimate goal of medical therapy. Further reasons that regenerating a functional dental pulp would be preferable to traditional root canal therapy include the wetting of dentin, the capability of new dentin formation after caries attack, the transmission of pain as an indicator of tissue damage, and an active tissue defense mechanism against invading micro-organisms.

The new data presented and the vivid discussion at the Tissue Injury and Pulp Regeneration symposium illustrate that pulp/dentin regeneration is a highly relevant and active area of research. The elements for dental pulp engineering, namely stem cells, scaffolds and differentiation factors, are available, and the interplay among these elements needs to be evaluated further for optimized strategies. Studies, as presented in the symposium’s proceedings, demonstrate proof of principle.

“We were pleased that 13 manuscripts, based on the oral presentations given at the symposia for Tissue Injury and Pulp Regeneration, are now available to the scientific community,” said Gottfried Schmalz.

“Those 13 manuscripts represent some of the latest research in tissue injury and pulp regeneration and they comprise this issue of the Advances of Dental Research.”

Visit http://adr.sagepub.com for more information and to read volume 23, issue 3 of the Advances in Dental Research, or contact Ingrid L. Thomas at ithomas@iadr.org to access the articles online.

About the Journal of Dental Research

The IADR/AADR Journal of Dental Research is a multidisciplinary journal dedicated to the dissemination of new knowledge in all sciences relevant to dentistry and the oral cavity and associated structures in health and disease. At 4.195, the JDR holds the highest Five-Year Impact Factor of all dental journals publishing original research, with a cited half-life >10 years, reflecting the influential nature of the Journal’s content. It also has the highest Eigenfactor Score in the field.

About the International Association for Dental Research

The International Association for Dental Research (IADR) is a nonprofit organization with nearly 11,000 individual members worldwide, dedicated to: (1) advancing research and increasing knowledge to improve oral health, (2) supporting the oral health research community, and (3) facilitating the communication and application of research findings for the improvement of oral health worldwide. To learn more, visit www.iadr.org. The American Association for Dental Research (AADR) is the largest Division of IADR, with nearly 4,000 members in the United States. To learn more, visit www.aadronline.org.

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