DT News - Latin America - Latin American Congress in Colombia

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Latin American Congress in Colombia

Dr. Alvaro Ordóñez, ICOI Latin American Director examines the reserach poster presented by Dr. Enrique Jadad, which won the first prize at ICOI International Congress in Bogota, Colombia. Dr. Jadad is one of the organizers of the Latin American Congress, which will take place in beautiful costal city of Cartagena, Colombia on September 1 - 3, 2001.
Dental Tribune International

Dental Tribune International

mié. 22 junio 2011


BOGOTA, Colombia — A Colombia-based foundation has announced a new edition of the Latin American Dental Congress, an event that has grown exponentially in the scientificic quality of lectures and the offers of new products introduced at the commercial dental exhibition.

The III Latin American Dental Congress will present two days of international speakers from countries such as the US, Spain, Mexico, Chile and obviously Colombia. Among them are well-recognized lecturers in implants, aesthetics and periodontics, among many other specialties.

The congress will take place September 1 - 3, 2011 in Cartagena, in the Caribbean region of the Colombian cost, considered one of the most beautiful cities in the Americas. The colonial town of San Juan de Puerto Rico is often referred to as a small-size Cartagena.

Some of the speakers that will participate in the III Latin American Dental Congress are Alvaro Ordóñez, a Miami-based implants expert who works with Dr. Michael Pikos in Tampa, FL and is the ICOI director for Latin America; Sergio Cacciacane, a well known Barcelona, Spain-based implants specialists who developed the ESI Clinics and is the AAID representative for Latin America; Colombian Gonzalo Arana, probably the foremost expert on pharmacological implications in dentistry in Latin America; Mirko Villarroel, from the Universidad Estatal Paulista, in Sao Paulo, Andres Duque, president of the Colombian Periodontics Association, and Nelson Loaiza, one of the most renowned experts in resins, among many others.

The Latin American Dental Congress is part of the mission of the Smiles for Colombia Foundation, which was created to provide comprehensive care and basic education, health, recreation, sports, culture and employment to disadvantaged populations.

Smiles for Colombia Foundation was created by a group of dentists who focus a great deal of their practices in improving the oral health of the population, knowing that oral health is the basis for integral wellbeing.

All profits obtained from the 3rd Latin American Dental Congress will be invested in dental health promotion and health prevention programs, in placing prosthetics to the elderly, and in renovating dental clinics in rural areas, and purchasing dental equipment and materials to improve the quality and capacity of these clinics.

For more information, please visit www.congresodentalcolombia.com

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